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Care Team Monitoring

Does my Care Team see my results? 

Yes, information like your participation, physical measures, and pain scores will populate on a secure dashboard chart for your provider(s) in order to better inform your care plan. PeerWell automatically analyzes your responses from the various surveys, range of motion results, etc. compared to thousands of other patients with similar injuries, undergoing the same procedure, at the same recovery stage, with similar health conditions. If we see you are not on track for your recovery or have a heightened risk indicated by the information you share with us through the app, your care team representative will be alerted to check your chart. Surveys and questionnaires will show up as a total score, and will not reflect your answers to individual questions. 

The ability to proactively intervene at the earliest possible indication helps to ensure you receive the best possible care. So remember to complete your daily tasks as assigned, to help your care providers stay informed between visits. 

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